“After KJ was referred to me to help edit my first full-length novel, I quickly realised I had found a treasure. She immediately understood what I was trying to do, and her constructive feedback enabled me to dramatically improve my story. She picked up plot holes, pacing and structural issues, character inconsistencies, grammatical errors and suggested presentation changes. Once the story was ready for publishing, she also helped with the marketing of my eBook through press releases and write ups. I have found KJ professional, efficient and a pleasure to work with. I’m delighted to recommend her to anyone needing an intelligent and insightful editor.”

Ingrid Banwell, Author of  The Infidel’s Garden.


“I was introduced to KJ when she was Managing Editor of my husband’s monograph, which documented 40 years of his practice as a painter. She did a superlative job, so when I completed my memoir of survival following a massive stroke, I thought of her first for professional feedback. She made an assessment of my memoir’s publication potential, gave me constructive and creative suggestions for improvement, and copy edited my ‘stroke affected’ text. KJ was a fantastic mentor, which encouraged me to share some of my other works with her. These included an historical novella and several play scripts, which KJ, always thinking outside the box, suggested I submit to the Short + Sweet Festival. I was pleased to learn that despite being a first-time entrant I made the ‘maybe’ pile. Despite my imminent relocation to London, I plan to continue working with KJ on a new blog we have developed together about my ongoing experiences as a disabled frequent traveler.”

Wendy Beard, Author/playwright/blogger


“We have used KJ’s services to help us project manage two books from manuscript to published book. The services involved editing, as well as all the liaising on our behalf with designers and printers. KJ’s efficiency and expertise made what is really a complex, multi-stage process very smooth and simple. A bonus is that she is intelligent, fun and a pleasure to work with! I highly recommend her.”

Dr Margaret Byrne, Principal Consultant, UGM Consulting


“Karen-Jane Eyre creatively utilises her extensive experience and expertise in the media and visual arts to produce exceptional results, however complex or large the task is at hand. I have no hesitation in recommending KJ to any individual or organisation looking for a competent and highly professional media consultant or project manager.”

Mark Moran, Director, Moran Arts Foundation


“At first I was intimidated by the thought of the (then) editor of Black+White magazine critiquing my work, but it wasn’t like that – it was more like having a mentor – someone to provide an expert sounding board and to help keep me on track to get the job done. Even though this was my second published book, having the weekly support really helped me make my deadline and deliver a more polished first draft. I have no hesitation in recommending Karen-Jane Eyre as a book coach. Her insight and weekly support really helped me get my book done on deadline.”

Dr. David Rock, CEO Results Coaching Systems, Author of Quiet Leadership and Your Brain at Work


“Karen-Jane Eyre offers a level of professionalism I have rarely encountered. Her attention to detail and extensive experience in the field of writing, editing and project management has made her a confident business ‘partner’. I have worked with her on numerous editorial projects, articles and publications and she has always contributed 100 percent and been able to analyse copy in a way I could never do. I would recommend her to any publication or business that is looking for a highly skilled, organised and ethical professional.”

Natascha Moy, Announcer/Producer FoodinFocus radio 89.7FM, Publisher FoodinFocus print and online editions